Hi. It's Tuesday. Monday just disappeared. I feel like I lost a day. We had such a fun weekend that I didn't get any of my errands or things around the house done so i spent yesterday catching up and playing with the little one.
My husband and I would love to remodel our kitchen. It is still up in the air as we are still debating the cost and the economy. The housing market in Florida has plummeted so we know that we will not make the money back. When we bought our house, six years ago, we only anticipated being in it and the area for 3-5 years. Well, it looks like we are going to be here a while longer and want to do some upgrades to make it our own. We figure if we are going to be living here for a while we might as well enjoy it.
Here are a few pictures that we are looking to as inspiration.

I love this beautiful farm sink
found via Two Ellie Blog

I love the look of stainless appliances with a white kitchen
via Elle Decor.com

I love the glass front cabinets in this kitchen
not sure of the source
We would do a lighter countertop like marble or soapstone, though we may keep our grey toned Silestone and we would love either a subway tile back splash or glass tile. We want to lighten and brighten our home and think that a white kitchen would be really nice and it suits our coastal style.
We would also love to add french doors in place of our pocket sliders off the back of the house and to upgrade our bathroom as well.

both via Two Ellie Blog
I'm dreaming in white!