Friday, September 2, 2011

Simple days....

Labor Day weekend is here. It's the unofficial end of the summer.

I am spending the last few days relaxing with, and soaking up time with, my family.

Yesterday my daughter and I came home after school, the weather was beautiful - no humidity and a breeze was blowing which is a blessing in Florida.

We headed outside to enjoy the afternoon.

These moments are the highlight of my life. I realize how quickly this little life is growing and I wrap myself up in the time the we can spend together like this.

Life gets in the way, homework, activities, household needs, work, school, I wish that there were more days and time but the time that I get I am going to embrace.

It's just going way too fast.

Have a great Saturday.



  1. She is so cute and i LOVE her shoes!!!:)

    Have a nice weekend!


  2. She is an angel. You're lucky to have this time with her!


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